According to a recent Bankrate survey reported by CNBC, when polled, Americans said they would need to earn $233,000 a year to live ‘comfortably.’
Does the question, “Can you live’ comfortably’ on $233,000 a year?” spark an immediate reaction from you?
What is living comfortably?
For this blog, we are framing comfortable as moderate, where you are covering all of your basic needs, investing adequately for retirement, and living life spending money in moderation.
Whether you can live ‘comfortably’ on $233,000 a year may seem subjective (and it is), but it’s one that many people grapple with as they navigate their financial goals and aspirations. The answer largely depends on various factors, including where you live, your lifestyle choices, and how you manage your finances.
How many households even earn $233,000 a year?
CNBC reports that 12% of households earn $233,000 a year.
Webtribunal reports that 7% of households earn $233,000 a year.
Watch and find out here!
We put together a video detailing how quickly you can spend $233,000!
The cost begins to add up when you factor in all the places you can spend money in a year!
Do you think a couple with two children, living in a low-income tax state, in a moderate housing market, investing adequately for retirement, and spending money in moderation will have no money left, a little bit left, or a lot of left?
All the details!
We detail all the information you need to know in this video. Use it as a way to see and compare.
- Income
- Investments & Savings:
- Retirement
- Health Savings Accounts
- College Savings
- Other Investments
- Expenses:
- Automobiles
- Charity
- Children
- Debts (Not Home)
- Fees
- Food
- Health & Wellness
- Housing (Mortgage)
- Personal & Entertainment
- Taxes
- Travel
- Utilities
- Other Expenses
How My Financial Snapshot can help you!
We highly recommend you watch the video “Can you live ‘comfortably’ on $233,000 a year?”
This video demonstrates the importance of being aware of your finances and budgeting to ensure you are on track to achieve your financial goals!
My Financial Snapshot is a great place to start and keep budgeting! Our simple and easy-to-use budgeting tool can help you see where you are making money, investing, saving, and spending!
Subscribe to My Financial Snapshot here!
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